
Sunday, April 30, 2017

CAP Celebrates Tops in CT 2016

On Saturday evening, April 29, 2017, 75 CAP members and guests gathered at the Whitney Center in Hamden for a celebration of the 2016 Tops in Connecticut Competition. The evening began with a presentation of the 101 accepted and award winning images with commentary written and read by members of the CAP Executive Committee. We had the privilege of seeing some of the outstanding work being done by Connecticut photographers.

Following the presentation plaques and ribbons were presented for the accepted and award winning images. Click to see the award winning images. A special treat for the award winning photographers were plaques that included a reproduction of their winning images. Special thanks to co-director Antoinette Gombeda, APSA, HonNEC, for arranging these special awards.

The 13 plaques given to the Best in Show, Best category, and Judges' Choice images.

Jon Aspinwall, Best in Show Winner, with his award plaque.

The next Tops in Connecticut competition will be held in late fall of 2018. Watch for announcements as the date approaches.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Reminder to Make Reservation for CAP Dinner and Tops in CT Show

This is just a gentle reminder that the Tops in Connecticut show and CAP dinner are scheduled for April 29, 2017. Deadline for receipt of reservations is April 20, 2017, just one week away. The show will contain 101 images selected at the judging last December along with commentary written by some of Connecticut's most experienced photographers. Come and see the excellent and varied work by many talented Connecticut Photographers.

  • Date: Saturday, April 29, 2017
  • Time: Show begins at 5 p.m. followed by a short business meeting and presentation of the awards followed by a buffet dinner
  • Location: Whitney Center, 200 Leeder Road, Hamden, CT
  • Cost: $30 per person
Click for a flyer and dinner reservation form

Deadline for receipt of reservations is Thursday, April 20, 2017.