
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Don't Forget “BRIDGES OF CONNECTICUT” – A Virtual Field Trip!

This is a reminder that we are in the time-frame to take pictures of all types of bridges (covered or otherwise) for the CAP virtual photo trip!   The images must be captured between 3/25/21 through 4/25/21.  This is a way for us to get outside and shoot bridges anywhere in Connecticut as we move into the spring season.  Below are the guidelines for submission of images:

·      Size the photos to 1400 x 1050

·      Submit up to 3 photos (guaranteed that at least 2 will be included in the show)

·      Name the pictures following this format: ajones_01, ajones_02, ajones_03

·      Send the images to Jim Dionne at   Put CAP IMAGES in the subject line when emailing them to Jim.  

·      DEADLINE:  April 25, 2021


So – get out and have fun and take creative and fun pictures.  Remember this is not a competition.  It’s just an opportunity to share our work and get out of the house!

Your Trips Committee   (Linda, Art and Ann)

Friday, March 19, 2021


Please send up to three images to  between 3-25 and 4-25) with the following naming convention:

First initial, last name all lower case, underscore, 01, 02, 03.


Put CAP IMAGES in the subject line when emailing them to Jim. 

Remember all images must have been taken between 3-25-21 and 4-25-21.

Get out and have fun!

The Trips Committee
Art, Ann, and Linda

Thursday, March 18, 2021

CAP 2021 Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of Connecticut Association of Photographers (CAP), Inc. will be held on April 14, 2021, via an email announcement.

The Annual Meeting serves to elect CAPs executive committee of officers and directors.  The current CAP Executive committee proposes the following slate of Officers and Directors for the terms of April 2021 – April 2022.  


President                       Colleen Reilly
Vice President               Joseph Whitmore
Past President               David Meredith
Treasurer                       Loretta Paul-Goldin
Secretary                       Antoinette Gombeda 


Matthew Collen
Robert Fedder
Scott Hudkins


Twenty (20) days advanced notice of the Annual Meeting is given so that the membership may submit nominations from the “floor.”  Proposed nominations should be sent to both David Meredith ( and Cynthia Gosselin ( ) respectively.  The due date for nominations is March 27, 2021.  Nominations must also be accompanied by a written statement of consent of such nominee, signifying acceptance of the office if elected. 

In the absence of nominations from the floor, the secretary will cast one vote for the proposed slate and the announcement of the election will be sent out on April 14, 2021.    

Thank you,

David Meredith
Cynthia Gosselin
Co-Presidents, CAP 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

CAP Virtual Photo Trip

The CAP trips committee has come up with a wonderful way for us all to get out and photograph during our Covid Pandemic. We had suspended all planned trips to keep everyone safe. We now have a safe way to photograph the same subject type on your own at a day and time convenient to you. The subject is “Bridges of Connecticut”, covered or otherwise.

Images must be captured between  3-25-21 Through 4-25-21

We will be compiling these images into a show for all to see. You may enter three images by sending them to Jim Dionne at between 3-25-21 and 4-25-21. Images must have been taken during that time frame and sized to 1400x1050 pixels. We guarantee that at least two will be in the show, and possibly all three depending on the number of entries. This is NOT a competition, but just a fun CAP event to get us all together doing the same thing. 

If all goes well, there will be a second virtual trip coming up in May. The subject will be “Spring Flowers”. Check the blog for details closer to the time.

Looking forward to seeing your images in the show  !
If you have any questions please contact:

Art Yost       
Ann Yost      
Linda Thomas

Bridge Photo by Linda Thomas